7 Reasons Why Driving Through Puddles Is A No-No

Driving through puddles is something that most drivers have done at least once in their lives. There are even drivers who intentionally seek out puddles. This type of behavior, though, may result in unsavory consequences. The Negative Effects of Driving Through Puddles Most people know to avoid obvious hazards on the road. While puddles […]
What’s The Impact Of Parking Lot Striping On Your Business?

Parking lot striping can affect commercial establishments in more ways than one. If your parking lot has seen better days, now is the right time to invest in striping services. What Is Parking Lot Striping? Parking lot striping is the process of painting markings and stripes on a parking lot to aid traffic flow […]
10 Benefits Of Parking Lot Sealcoating

Parking lot sealcoating is a big part of property maintenance. Commercial property owners should invest in this service to keep their establishments looking and running smoothly. What Is Parking Lot Sealcoating? Parking lot seal coating is applying a pavement sealer specially formulated to protect the surface. It is applied in liquid form. Once dried, […]
Why Is Sealcoating Asphalt Pavement Or Driveway Necessary?

Sealcoating asphalt is a necessary component of maintaining pavement. With it, driveways may last longer than they should. They may form cracks that eventually become potholes. This can be inconvenient and expensive, as asphalt can cost a lot of money to repair or replace. What Is Asphalt Sealcoating? Before we explain why seal coating […]
How To Remove Oil Spots From Driveways: DIY Or Call The Pros?

Learning how to remove oil spots from driveway floors can be tough. But it’s necessary if you want to have a clean driveway around your lot. Unfortunately, oil stains on driveway floors can be stubborn and hard to get rid of. You need the right tools and techniques to do it properly. Household Products […]
What’s The Effect Of Oil Spots On Asphalt And Pavement?

There is nothing more frustrating than cleaning stubborn oil spots on asphalt surfaces. If you leave oil spots to fester, though, they can give rise to several unfavorable consequences. As such, when you see oil spots, it’s best to address them immediately. What Causes Oil Spots on Asphalt? Have you ever wondered how oil […]
Infrared Pavement Patching: What Is It And Its Benefits

Infrared pavement patching is a common method of asphalt repair. It is widely preferred due to its ease of application, affordability, and minimal to no environmental impact. However, it’s not a permanent solution that suits all types of needs. What Is Infrared Pavement Patching? Infrared pavement patching uses infrared heat to soften existing asphalt […]
3 Top Causes Of Potholes On Asphalt And How To Prevent Them

It is not uncommon to see potholes on asphalt surfaces. But what exactly causes potholes to form on asphalt? And is there a way to prevent them? What Causes Potholes on Asphalt Parking Lots? Potholes are unsightly. They can give customers a bad first impression of your business. Employees can also lose their motivation […]
When And Why Do You Need Emergency Pothole Repairs?

Emergency pothole repair is something that many businesses will need at one point or another. But, what are the benefits of this service anyway? What Is Emergency Pothole Repair? Emergency pothole repair is exactly what it sounds like. It is a pothole repair service that companies provide on an emergency basis. Typically, an emergency […]
ADA Compliance On Pavement, Parking Lots, And Curb Ramps

Commercial properties must ensure ADA compliance on pavement, parking lots, and curbs. But what are the guidelines for compliance anyway? What Is ADA Compliance on Pavement? The Americans With Disabilities Act, also known as ADA, is a federal law that protects the civil rights of disabled Americans. It essentially requires almost all public spaces and […]