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Pothole Repair: How To Fix A Pothole?

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Pothole repair is absolutely necessary for the betterment of a property and the safety of drivers. But, not everyone knows the first thing about filling potholes. Where exactly should you start?


How to Perform Asphalt Pothole Repair

Asphalt roads are very common in the United States. In fact, 94% of the country’s paved roads are surfaced with asphalt. But, as with many materials, asphalt is not impervious to damage. Potholes can form as a result of water penetration, the freeze/thaw cycle, and heavy loads. When potholes appear, it is important to repair them as soon as possible.


Here is how to fix a pothole that is made of asphalt.


  1. The first step is to take a shovel and dig out the excess rock and dirt. You should do this until you hit subsoil. It’s important not to skip this step because you can’t have loose debris interfering with pothole filling.
  2. Fill the hole with a paver base. Every 2 to 4 inches of paver base, take a tamper and tamp it down to ensure compaction. This way, there are no voids in the base. Repeat this until you reach 2 inches of the finished grade.
  3. Trim the edges around the rough hole. This will allow you to work with a cleaner surface. For this step, a wet saw with a diamond blade is a good tool.
  4. Next, dig out excess rock, dirt, and debris. You don’t want these to harden with the final result.
  5. Fill the hole using a mixture of stone and asphalt binder. Make sure to get the high-performance kind for better durability. Form 1.5-inch layers of the binder, smoothing the surface out with each layer.
  6. Tamp down each layer to make sure it’s compact. Do this all around the sides as well so that the pothole patch comes to the edges.
  7. Finally, allow the filled pothole to dry for 3 to 4 weeks before driving over it.

How to Perform Concrete Pothole Repair

Potholes don’t only form on asphalt surfaces. Durable as they may be, concrete surfaces can also take damage and suffer from potholes. Fortunately, it is possible to repair potholes that have formed over concrete. You just have to have the right tools and knowledge.


This process is commonly used for driveway pothole repair. It is similar to repairing asphalt potholes but using concrete instead. Here are the steps to follow.


  1. First, clean and prepare the surface. Remove any loose dirt and debris from the hole to allow for better compaction. You can do this with a shovel, a broom, or even a vacuum.
  2. Take your quick-setting cement and mix it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, fill the pothole with the quick-setting cement mixture. Make sure to tamp down as you go so that you don’t leave any gaps.
  3. After filling the hole, wait a few minutes. This will allow the cement to settle properly and let you identify any subsidence. You may need to add more cement mixture (or even remove some).
  4. Using a straight-edged trowel, smooth out the surface and make sure it’s properly leveled. The edges should meet the rest of the concrete surface.
  5. Let the quick-setting concrete mixture cure and dry completely. The amount of time it takes will usually depend on the brand you use. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for more details.
  6. While optional, finishing the process by applying a concrete sealer over the entire surface is a good idea. A sealer will help protect the concrete from the elements and prolong its lifespan.

Quick-setting cement is the most common household pothole repair material. It dries quicker than regular concrete which makes it best suited for smaller jobs that don’t require a lot of shaping.


Why Pothole Filling Is Better Left to Professionals

Repairing potholes is no easy job. Most people struggle with it because it is time-consuming and tedious. As such, property owners often outsource the task to pothole repair companies.


You are better off hiring a professional for pothole repair for several reasons. For one thing, there is less risk involved. When you do it yourself, you risk doing it incorrectly and being left with an uneven surface. You might also use the wrong tools or materials, damaging the concrete even further.


Another reason is time. Most people just don’t have enough time to repair potholes themselves. When you factor in the time it takes to buy the materials you need, shovel the hole, mix the filler, and fill it, you might not be left with enough time in the day. That’s lost time you could have put to better use. 


But, when you hire someone to do it for you, you can just sit back and watch or do something more worthwhile. Professionals also tend to finish repair jobs effectively in a fraction of the time.


Finally, it is less dangerous for you. When you hire a company to repair a pothole, you are not putting yourself in harm’s way. It might seem silly, but many people have hurt themselves while attempting to fill potholes. And professionals know how to approach each job safely.


All things considered, with professional help, you can achieve more desirable results. It also does not cost as much as you think it does. Because you’re saving money on time, tools, materials, and mistakes, hiring a pothole repair company ends up being a bargain.


For Reliable Pothole Services

There are a lot of things that go into pothole repair. You need tools, cement or asphalt mix, and safety gear – not to mention, enough time to complete the job. It is something that takes effort and dedication. You can’t just abandon it midway and hope for the best.


This is where Pothole Repair Carolinas comes in. We offer expert and competitive pothole repair services to residential and commercial properties in North and South Carolina. Call us today at 704-227-0468 or contact us online to get started!